Each page offers two options when saving: save or publish. This is page versioning in play.
All changes made to a page can be saved as draft and can be previewed on the front end without making it available for public. This is great when authoring new pages and you want to make sure the content is added and looks great before the page will appear to the public. In this instance you can use to save the page as draft.
Once you are satisfied the page is ready, you can press the publish button to make it public.
This isn't just a case when creating new pages - you can still draft changes once a page is already live. In that instance, users will only see the previously published changes until newly drafted changes are published.
This functionality isn't limited to just pages: each block can be drafted and published individually, though you must note that publishing a page after drafting blocks will also publish the blocks since the publishing cascades down to blocks.
Of course, you can always go in a block and choose to unpublish it to remove it from the published site.
Each time a the page is published, the previously published version of the page will be kept as a backup, should you ever decide to revert back to it.
These previous versions can be found under to top level History tab:
You may also want to revert to an older version of the page.
Stage and Live Modes
When logged into the CMS and viewing the front end, you'll be provided a small toolbar on the bottom left of the screen.
This toolbar offers the options to view the page in three modes, and gives a link to open up the page in the admin area so you can easily open up the page for editing.
The toolbar offers the following options:
- Published — View the page as how a patron would currently see the page. This option is only available if the page is already published. This will open up the page on the public facing version of the website which is cached for better performance.
- Live — the currently published page as an admin on the client facing version of the website. This option is only available if the page is already published. Because the client facing version of the website is uncached, you can see how the page will look to the public once the caching on the public facing version catches up to the latest changes.
- Draft — View the currently drafted page as an admin on the client facing version of the website. This option will always be available.
- Edit — Open the current page for editing.